Fakultät Informatik und Mathematik
Regensburg Center for Artificial Intelligence
Regensburg Center of Biomedical Engineering
Regensburg Center of Health Sciences and Technology

Prof. Dr. rer nat. Christoph Palm

ReMIC Projects - Research and Development

ML4Gastro - AI projects for computer assistance in endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract

Deep Learning for early detection of esophageal cancer from endoscopic color images

ML4Gastro - Celiac

Multimodal deep learning for celiac disease detection using endoscopic images and clinical parameters

DeepMIC - Deep learning based endoscope tracking

Development of an intelligent, collaborative assistance system for camera guidance during minimally invasive surgical procedures

Statistical shape modeling of female breasts

Building 3D statistical shape models of the female breast and developing novel methods for 3D reconstruction of female breasts from 2D images

Medical Image Analysis Viewer (miaViewer)

A visualization program for medical image processing based on Qt/QML and VTK

Medical Image Analysis Graph (miaGraph)

A graphical tool for the intuitive creation of pipelines in image processing


Haptic-visual training system for minimally invasive surgical procedures using hand surgery as an example

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