Fakultät Informatik und Mathematik
Regensburg Center for Artificial Intelligence
Regensburg Center of Biomedical Engineering
Regensburg Center of Health Sciences and Technology

Prof. Dr. rer nat. Christoph Palm

Szenensegmentierung Chirurgieroboter
DeepMIC - Deep learning based endoscope tracking
Barrett's Esophagus
ML4Gastro - AI projects for computer assistance in endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract
Medical Image Analysis Viewer (miaViewer)
Medical Image Analysis Viewer (miaViewer)
Medical Image Analysis Viewer (miaViewer)
Medical Image Analysis Graph (miaGraph)
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Lecture I
WiSe 2024/2025

Selected topics in AI-based medical image processing

V3/Ü1, german
Master program "Informatics" focus on medical informatics
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Palm
Office: K 213
ReMIC Lab: K 202

Tel.: +49 941 / 943-1314
Tel. (Sekr.): +49 941 / 943-1264
Email: christoph.palm(At)oth-regensburg.de
Consultation hours

The office hours for course advising take place by appointment. In order to get an appointment, please contact us by email and mention the reason for the consultation!
Bachelorarbeit von Melanie Rackl
Bachelor thesis by Melanie Rackl
Bachelorarbeit von Melanie Rackl
Bachelor thesis by Alexandra Marchl
Masterarbeit von Benjamin Maiwald
Master theses by Benjamin Maiwald
Bachelorarbeit von Moritz Jungtäubl
Bachelor thesis by Moritz Jungtäubl
Bachelorarbeit von Cristian Sanchez
Bachelor thesis by Cristian Sanchez
Bachelorarbeit von Tobias Rückert
Bachelor thesis by Tobias Rückert
Bachelorarbeit von Bianca Haux
Bachelor thesis by Bianca Haux
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Christoph Palm
Christoph Palm
Robert Mendel
Robert Mendel
Stephanie Mennle
Stephanie Mennle
David Rauber
David Rauber
Tobias Rückert
Tobias Rückert
Sümeyye R. Yildiran
Sümeyye R. Yildiran
Leonard Klausmann
Leonard Klausmann
Danilo Weber Nunes
Danilo Weber Nunes
Max Gutbrod
Max Gutbrod
Raphaela Maerkl
Raphaela Märkl
Maximilian Weiherer
Maximilian Weiherer
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A subchallenge of EndoVis2024.
Organized by ReMIC.

German Conference on
Medical Image Computing

Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin
March 9-11, 2025

Organized by ReMIC.


Szenensegmentierung Chirurgieroboter
DeepMIC - Deep learning based endoscope tracking
Barrett's Esophagus
ML4Gastro - AI projects for computer assistance in endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract
Medical Image Analysis Viewer (miaViewer)
Medical Image Analysis Viewer (miaViewer)
Medical Image Analysis Viewer (miaViewer)
Medical Image Analysis Graph (miaGraph)
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Lecture I
WiSe 2024/2025

Selected topics in AI-based medical image processing

V3/Ü1, german
Master program "Informatics" focus on medical informatics
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Palm
Office: K 213
ReMIC Lab: K 202

Tel.: +49 941 / 943-1314
Tel. (Sekr.): +49 941 / 943-1264
Email: christoph.palm(At)oth-regensburg.de
Consultation hours

The office hours for course advising take place by appointment. In order to get an appointment, please contact us by email and mention the reason for the consultation!
Bachelorarbeit von Melanie Rackl
Bachelor thesis by Melanie Rackl
Bachelorarbeit von Alexandra Marchl
Bachelor thesis by Alexandra Marchl
Masterarbeit von Benjamin Maiwald
Master theses by Benjamin Maiwald
Bachelorarbeit von Moritz Jungtäubl
Bachelor thesis by Moritz Jungtäubl
Bachelorarbeit von Cristian Sanchez
Bachelor thesis by Cristian Sanchez
Bachelorarbeit von Tobias Rückert
Bachelor thesis by Tobias Rückert
Bachelorarbeit von Bianca Haux
Bachelor thesis by Bianca Haux
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About us

Christoph Palm
Christoph Palm
Robert Mendel
Robert Mendel
Stephanie Mennle
Stephanie Mennle
David Rauber
David Rauber
Tobias Rückert
Tobias Rückert
Sümeyye R. Yildiran
Sümeyye R. Yildiran
Leonard Klausmann
Leonard Klausmann
Danilo Weber Nunes
Danilo Weber Nunes
Max Gutbrod
Max Gutbrod
Raphaela Maerkl
Raphaela Märkl
Maximilian Weiherer
Maximilian Weiherer
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What is ReMIC?

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The Regensburg Medical Image Computing (ReMIC) lab is located at the faculty Computer Science and Mathematics at Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg (Technical University of Applied Sciences, OTH Regensburg).
Teaching focuses on the Bachelor's degree course in Medical Informatics and the Master's degree course in Medical Informatics..
Research of ReMIC concentrates on Medical Image Analysis .
Machine learning ("Deep Learning"):
Computer-aided diagnosis for classification and segmentation of image data, e.g. endoscopy, microscopy or radiology.
Virtual Reality:
Additionally, medical education and training by means of simulators, especially in connection with haptic components..

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The Regensburg Medical Image Computing (ReMIC) lab is located at the faculty Computer Science and Mathematics at Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg (Technical University of Applied Sciences, OTH Regensburg).
Teaching focuses on the Bachelor's degree course in Medical Informatics and the Master's degree course in Medical Informatics..
Research of ReMIC concentrates on Medical Image Analysis .
Machine learning ("Deep Learning"):
Computer-aided diagnosis for classification and segmentation of image data, e.g. endoscopy, microscopy or radiology.
Virtual Reality:
Additionally, medical education and training by means of simulators, especially in connection with haptic components..


A subchallenge of EndoVis2024.
Organized by ReMIC.

German Conference on
Medical Image Computing

Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin
March 9-11, 2025

Organized by ReMIC.
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