Fakultät Informatik und Mathematik
Regensburg Center for Artificial Intelligence
Regensburg Center of Biomedical Engineering
Regensburg Center of Health Sciences and Technology

Prof. Dr. rer nat. Christoph Palm



Maximilian Weiherer

Science Award for outstanding theses

Freunde der OTH Regensburg e.V.

Statistical Shape Modeling of Female Breasts – from Surface Registration to Model Building

endowed with 500€ and a 1-year free membership





Robert Mendel and Alanna Ebigbo

Endoscopy Research Prize of the DGVS


Real- time use of artificial intelligence in the evaluation of cancer in Barrett´s oesophagus

endowed with 7500€



Luise Middel

2nd place DMEA Young Talent Award 2020

DMEA sparks

Automatic Generation of 2D Medical Images Based on the Extraction of Statistical Information of Already Existing Datasets

Bachelor thesis

endowed with 1000€


Johannes Maier, Maximilian Weiherer, Michaela Huber, Christoph Palm

BayWISS poster award 2019

The Bavarian Science Forum (BayWISS)

Project HaptiVisT

endowed with 150€


Johannes Maier, Maximilian Weiherer, Michaela Huber, Christoph Palm

BVM poster award 2019

Workshop Image processing for medicine (BVM)

Imitating Human Soft Tissue with Dual-Material 3D Printing (Link)

endowed with 50€


Johannes Maier

BioPark Innovation Award

awarded on the Dies Academicus of the OTH Regensburg and the Dies Academicus of the University of Regensburg

Imitating Human Soft Tissue on Basis of Dual-Material 3D Print

endowed with 1500€


David Rauber, Robert Mendel, Christoph Palm

Robotic Scene Segmentation Award - 1st place

Endoscopic Vision Challenge, Subchallenge Robotic Scene Segmentation

21st International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions (MICCAI) in Granada, Spain, 2018

Presentation slides containing the results

dotiert mit 3000$


Robert Mendel, Alanna Ebigbo, Andreas Probst, Helmut Messmann, Christoph Palm

BVM-Award 2017 - Best scientific paper (2nd place)

Workshop Image processing for medicine (BVM)

Barrett's Esophagus Analysis using Convolutional Neural Networks (Link)

endowed with 250€



Elisabeth Hoppe

1st award for young talents of conhIT (connecting healthcare IT) for the bachelor thesis "Semiautomatische Segmentierung von Drusen auf Fundusbildern"

Endowed with 750€


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