ML4Gastro - AI projects for computer assistance in endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract
Project description
Reflux is the increased backflow of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus. Chronic reflux is the main cause of the Barrett's esophagus, a lesion of the mucous membrane with an increased risk of developing esophageal cancer. The survival chances of affected patients are considered poor, as the disease is usually diagnosed at a late stage. If a standard drug treatment of reflux is not successful, an endoscopic examination may be indicated to detect treatable symptoms as early as possible. However, this is not unproblematic, because many reflux patients are endoscopically negative, i.e. mucous membrane lesions are not visible despite the presence of disease (low sensitivity of the examination). The significance in case of a pathological finding is relatively high (high specificity of the examination).
Goals and procedure
Machine learning methods are increasingly being used in diagnostic imaging procedures. With the help of deep learning approaches, the physician should be supported in reliably detecting reflux-related mucous membrane damage, in particular (pre-)carcinogenic lesions, when evaluating endoscopic images. Based on the machine evaluation of endoscopic images, conclusions on the severity of a possible disease should be drawn. Through the use of Deep Learning, a quality in the diagnostic evaluation of medical images has been achieved several times in recent years that not only reaches the medical "gold standard", but even exceeds it. This means that physician and computer meet at eye level, so that in the future, for example, the computer could at least be established as a second assessor.
Cooperation partners
- Regensburg Medical Image Computing, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Palm
- Robert Mendel
- David Rauber
- III. Medical Clinic, Klinikum Augsburg
- Prof. Dr. Helmut Messmann
- Dr. Alanna Ebigbo
- Dr. Andreas Probst
- Department of Computing, São Paulo State University, São Paulo, Brazil
- Prof. João Papa, PhD
- Luis Antonio de Souza Jr.
Software Download
You can download the code on the SemiSup code page.
Palm, Christoph (Prof. Dr.) - Projekt Barrett
2024 |
Luis Antonio de Souza Jr., André G.C. Pacheco, Leandro A. Passos, Marcos C. S. Santana, Robert Mendel, Alanna Ebigbo, Andreas Probst, Helmut Messmann, Christoph Palm, João Paulo Papa | DeepCraftFuse: visual and deeply-learnable features work better together for esophageal cancer detection in patients with Barrett’s esophagus | Neural Computing and Applications, Vol.36, pp. 10445-10459, 2024 | BibTeX DOI |
D. A. Roser, Michael Meinikheim, Robert Mendel, Christoph Palm, Andreas Probst, A. Muzalyova, Markus W. Scheppach, S. Nagl, Elisabeth Schnoy, Christoph Römmele, D. Schulz, Jakob Schlottmann, Friederike Prinz, David Rauber, Tobias Rückert, T. Matsumura, G. Fernandez-Esparrach, N. Parsa, M. Byrne, Helmut Messmann, Alanna Ebigbo | Human-Computer Interaction: Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the diagnostic confidence of endoscopists assessing videos of Barrett’s esophagus | Endoscopy, 56(S 02), p. 79, Georg Thieme Verlag, 2024 | BibTeX DOI |
Michael Meinikheim, Robert Mendel, Christoph Palm, Andreas Probst, Anna Muzalyova, Markus W. Scheppach, Sandra Nagl, Elisabeth Schnoy, Christoph Römmele, Dominik A. H. Schulz, Jakob Schlottmann, Friederike Prinz, David Rauber, Tobias Rueckert, Tomoaki Matsumura, Glòria Fernández-Esparrach, Nasim Parsa, Michael F. Byrne, Helmut Messmann, Alanna Ebigbo | Influence of artificial intelligence on the diagnostic performance of endoscopists in the assessment of Barrett’s esophagus: a tandem randomized and video trial | Endoscopy, 2024 | PDF BibTeX DOI |
Luis Antonio de Souza Jr., Leandro A. Passos, Marcos Cleison S. Santana, Robert Mendel, David Rauber, Alanna Ebigbo, Andreas Probst, Helmut Messmann, João Paulo Papa, Christoph Palm | Layer-selective deep representation to improve esophageal cancer classification | Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2024 | BibTeX DOI |
2023 |
Michael Meinikheim, Robert Mendel, Andreas Probst, Markus W. Scheppach, Sandra Nagl, Elisabeth Schnoy, Christoph Römmele, Friederike Prinz, Jakob Schlottmann, Helmut Messmann, Christoph Palm, Alanna Ebigbo | Einfluss von Künstlicher Intelligenz auf die Performance von niedergelassenen Gastroenterolog:innen bei der Beurteilung von Barrett-Ösophagus | Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie, 61(8), Thieme: Stuttgart, 2023 | BibTeX DOI |
2022 |
Michael Meinikheim, Robert Mendel, Markus W. Scheppach, Andreas Probst, Friederike Prinz, Tanja Schwamberger, Jakob Schlottmann, Stefan Karl Gölder, Benjamin Walter, Ingo Steinbrück, Christoph Palm, Helmut Messmann, Alanna Ebigbo | Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) als Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem für nicht-Experten bei der Beurteilung von Barrett-Ösophagus assoziierten Neoplasien (BERN) | Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie, 60(4), p. 251, Thieme: Stuttgart, 2022 | BibTeX DOI |
Alanna Ebigbo, Robert Mendel, Andreas Probst, Michael Meinikheim, Michael F. Byrne, Helmut Messmann, Christoph Palm | Multimodal imaging for detection and segmentation of Barrett’s esophagus-related neoplasia using artificial intelligence | Endoscopy, 54(10), 2022 | BibTeX DOI |
2021 |
Alanna Ebigbo, Christoph Palm, Helmut Messmann | Barrett esophagus: What to expect from Artificial Intelligence? | Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology, 52-53(June-August), 2021 | BibTeX DOI |
Luis Antonio de Souza Jr., Robert Mendel, Sophia Strasser, Alanna Ebigbo, Andreas Probst, Helmut Messmann, João Paulo Papa, Christoph Palm | Convolutional Neural Networks for the evaluation of cancer in Barrett’s esophagus: Explainable AI to lighten up the black-box | Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol.135, pp. 1-14, 2021 | PDF BibTeX DOI |
Alanna Ebigbo, Robert Mendel, Tobias Rückert, Laurin Schuster, Andreas Probst, Johannes Manzeneder, Friederike Prinz, Matthias Mende, Ingo Steinbrück, Siegbert Faiss, David Rauber, Luis Antonio de Souza Jr., João Paulo Papa, Pierre Deprez, Tsuneo Oyama, Akiko Takahashi, Stefan Seewald, Prateek Sharma, Michael F. Byrne, Christoph Palm, Helmut Messmann | Endoscopic prediction of submucosal invasion in Barrett’s cancer with the use of Artificial Intelligence: A pilot Study | Endoscopy, 53(09), pp. 878-883, 2021 | BibTeX DOI |
Luis Antonio de Souza Jr., Leandro A. Passos, Robert Mendel, Alanna Ebigbo, Andreas Probst, Helmut Messmann, Christoph Palm, João Paulo Papa | Fine-tuning Generative Adversarial Networks using Metaheuristics | Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2021. Proceedings, German Workshop on Medical Image Computing, Regensburg, March 7-9, 2021, pp. 205-210, 2021 | BibTeX 978-3-658-33197-9, DOI |
2020 |
Luis Antonio de Souza Jr., Leandro A. Passos, Robert Mendel, Alanna Ebigbo, Andreas Probst, Helmut Messmann, Christoph Palm, João Paulo Papa | Assisting Barrett's esophagus identification using endoscopic data augmentation based on Generative Adversarial Networks | Computers in Biology and Medicine, 126(November), 2020 | BibTeX DOI |
Alanna Ebigbo, Robert Mendel, Georgios Tziatzios, Andreas Probst, Christoph Palm, Helmut Messmann | Real-Time Diagnosis of an Early Barrett's Carcinoma using Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Video Case Demonstration | Endoscopy, 52(S 01), Thieme, 2020 | BibTeX DOI |
Alanna Ebigbo, Robert Mendel, Andreas Probst, Johannes Manzeneder, Friederike Prinz, Luis Antonio de Souza Jr., João Paulo Papa, Christoph Palm, Helmut Messmann | Real-time use of artificial intelligence in the evaluation of cancer in Barrett’s oesophagus | Gut, 69(4), pp. 615-616, 2020 | BibTeX DOI |
2019 |
Alanna Ebigbo, Christoph Palm, Andreas Probst, Robert Mendel, Johannes Manzeneder, Friederike Prinz, Luis Antonio de Souza Jr., João Paulo Papa, Peter Siersema, Helmut Messmann | A technical review of artificial intelligence as applied to gastrointestinal endoscopy: clarifying the terminology | Endoscopy International Open, 07(12), pp. 1616-1623, 2019 | BibTeX DOI |
Alanna Ebigbo, Robert Mendel, Andreas Probst, Johannes Manzeneder, Luis Antonio de Souza Jr., João Paulo Papa, Christoph Palm, Helmut Messmann | Artificial Intelligence in Early Barrett's Cancer: The Segmentation Task | Endoscopy, 51(04), p. 6, Georg Thieme Verlag: Stuttgart, 2019 | BibTeX DOI |
Leandro A. Passos, Luis Antonio de Souza Jr., Robert Mendel, Alanna Ebigbo, Andreas Probst, Helmut Messmann, Christoph Palm, João Paulo Papa | Barrett's esophagus analysis using infinity Restricted Boltzmann Machines | Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol.59, pp. 475-485, 2019 | BibTeX DOI |
Alanna Ebigbo, Robert Mendel, Andreas Probst, Johannes Manzeneder, Luis Antonio de Souza Jr., João Paulo Papa, Christoph Palm, Helmut Messmann | Computer-aided diagnosis using deep learning in the evaluation of early oesophageal adenocarcinoma | GuT, 68(7), pp. 1143-1145, 2019 | PDF BibTeX DOI |
2018 |
Luis Antonio de Souza Jr., Christoph Palm, Robert Mendel, Christian Hook, Alanna Ebigbo, Andreas Probst, Helmut Messmann, Silke A. T. Weber, João Paulo Papa | A survey on Barrett's esophagus analysis using machine learning | Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol.96, pp. 203-213, 2018 | BibTeX DOI |
Luis Antonio de Souza Jr., Alanna Ebigbo, Andreas Probst, Helmut Messmann, João Paulo Papa, Robert Mendel, Christoph Palm | Barrett's Esophagus Identification Using Color Co-occurrence Matrices | 31st SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), Parana, 2018, pp. 166-173, 2018 | BibTeX DOI |
2017 |
Luis Antonio de Souza Jr., Christian Hook, João Paulo Papa, Christoph Palm | Barrett's Esophagus Analysis Using SURF Features | Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2017; Algorithmen - Systeme - Anwendungen. Proceedings des Workshops vom 12. bis 14. März 2017 in Heidelberg, pp. 141-146, 2017 | BibTeX DOI |
Luis Antonio de Souza Jr., Luis Claudio Sugi Afonso, Christoph Palm, João Paulo Papa | Barrett's Esophagus Identification Using Optimum-Path Forest | Proceedings of the 30th Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images Tutorials (SIBGRAPI-T 2017), Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2017, 17-20 October, pp. 308-314, 2017 | BibTeX DOI |
Robert Mendel, Alanna Ebigbo, Andreas Probst, Helmut Messmann, Christoph Palm | Barrett’s Esophagus Analysis Using Convolutional Neural Networks | Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2017; Algorithmen - Systeme - Anwendungen. Proceedings des Workshops vom 12. bis 14. März 2017 in Heidelberg, pp. 80-85, 2017 | BibTeX DOI |
Michael Meinikheim, Robert Mendel, Christoph Palm, Andreas Probst, Anna Muzalyova, Markus Wolfgang Scheppach, Sandra Nagl, Elisabeth Schnoy, Christoph Römmele, Dominik Andreas Helmut Otto Schulz, Jakob Schlottmann, Friederike Prinz, David Rauber, Tobias Rückert, Tomoaki Matsumura, Glòria Fernández-Esparrach, Nasim Parsa, Michael F Byrne, Helmut Messmann, Alanna Ebigbo | Effect of AI on performance of endoscopists to detect Barrett neoplasia: A Randomized Tandem Trial | Endoscopy, | BibTeX DOI |