Fakultät Informatik und Mathematik
Regensburg Center for Artificial Intelligence
Regensburg Center of Biomedical Engineering
Regensburg Center of Health Sciences and Technology

Prof. Dr. rer nat. Christoph Palm

Development and evaluation of a haptic-visual learning system for surgical interventions

Project description


Performing complex operations on bony tissue while avoiding injuries to risk structures such as nerves or vessels is one of the most important activities of surgeons. In order to perform such operations safely and without errors, extensive theoretical and practical (sometimes extra-occupational) training and further education as well as many years of experience are necessary.

Goals and procedure

In this project, a haptic-visual training system for surgical interventions on complex bone structures using clinical volume data (CT, MRT) will be realized, which is designed as a so-called "serious game" with immersive didactics. It is a synergistic supplement to existing training and education possibilities on animal models and fills the gap between "training on patients" and realistic virtual interaction by means of a haptic and visual learning experience.

Innovations and perspectives

The continuous further training of medical staff in the field of minimally invasive surgery is thus not limited to a few specialised centres, but can also be extended to smaller clinics in rural areas. Such a broadening of practice-oriented education and training in surgical specialties can make an important contribution to counteracting the lack of specialists in the area.

Realization of minimally invasive hand surgery

Subproject of the OTH Regensburg


BMBF funding measure within the funding priority "ICT 2020 - Research for Innovations", funding code 16SV7560

Period and volume

June 2016 to May 2019

Overall project: approx. 1.26 million €, sub-project of the OTH Regensburg: approx. 357 T€

Cooperation partners

Team OTH Regensburg

  • Christoph Palm (Projektleiter, Regensburg Medical Image Computing)
  • Johannes Maier (Regensburg Medical Image Computing)
  • Sonja Haug (Institut für Sozialforschung und Technikfolgenabschätzung)
  • Karsten Weber (Institut für Sozialforschung und Technikfolgenabschätzung)
  • Ulrike Scorna (Institut für Sozialforschung und Technikfolgenabschätzung)
  • Florian Olbrich (Sensorik Applikationszentrum)


Palm, Christoph (Prof. Dr.) - Projekt HaptiVisT

2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016


Johannes Maier Entwicklung eines Haptisch und Visuell unterstützten Trainingssystems (HaptiVisT) für komplexe Knochenbohrungen in der minimalinvasiven Handchirurgie
Johannes Maier, Maximilian Weiherer, Michaela Huber, Christoph Palm Optically tracked and 3D printed haptic phantom hand for surgical training system


Johannes Maier, Jerome Perret, Martina Simon, Stephanie Schmitt-Rüth, Thomas Wittenberg, Christoph Palm Force-feedback assisted and virtual fixtures based K-wire drilling simulation
Johannes Maier, Maximilian Weiherer, Michaela Huber, Christoph Palm Imitating human soft tissue on basis of a dual-material 3D print using a support-filled metamaterial to provide bimanual haptic for a hand surgery training system


Thomas Eixelberger, Thomas Wittenberg, Jerome Perret, Uwe Katzky, Martina Simon, Stephanie Schmitt-Rüth, Mathias Hofer, M. Sorge, R. Jacob, Felix B. Engel, A. Gostian, Christoph Palm, Daniela Franz A haptic model for virtual petrosal bone milling
Daniela Franz, Maria Dreher, Martin Prinzen, Matthias Teßmann, Christoph Palm, Uwe Katzky, Jerome Perret, Mathias Hofer, Thomas Wittenberg CT-basiertes virtuelles Fräsen am Felsenbein
Johannes Maier, Michaela Huber, Uwe Katzky, Jerome Perret, Thomas Wittenberg, Christoph Palm Force-Feedback-assisted Bone Drilling Simulation Based on CT Data


Johannes Maier, Sonja Haug, Michaela Huber, Uwe Katzky, Sabine Neumann, Jérôme Perret, Martin Prinzen, Karsten Weber, Thomas Wittenberg, Rebecca Wöhl, Ulrike Scorna, Christoph Palm Development of a haptic and visual assisted training simulation concept for complex bone drilling in minimally invasive hand surgery


Daniela Franz, Uwe Katzky, S. Neumann, Jerome Perret, Mathias Hofer, Michaela Huber, Stephanie Schmitt-Rüth, Sonja Haug, Karsten Weber, Martin Prinzen, Christoph Palm, Thomas Wittenberg Haptisches Lernen für Cochlea Implantationen
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